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Get a Black Belt


All of our coaching and welfare team are proud to have been approved and trained by the British Judo association. They are all DBS cleared, First Aid trained and also trained in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. 

They all sacrifice a lot of time too ensure that the British Judo Associations and uksports high standards are upheld and their training is up to date.


Adrian Harding

2nd Dan

I was first introduced to Judo as a 10 year old to keep me out of trouble, it worked. By the age of 17 I was lucky enough to represent the North of England at Crystal Palace. going to university saw me loose touch with Judo but I remembered the promise I gave my coach and in 2012, I came back to the sport, lost 25kg in weight, got fit and qualified as a coach. Now I can give back what I got as a youngster.

Our Coaches


6th Dan

Vince Miller


Barnard Castle

Norman Priestley

1st Dan

I started judo when i was 38 years old through my son, in Evenwood. I progressed through there to Larchfield centre, Darlington with Koizumi Judo Club with Alan Dodds. I went on to get my black belt in 1996. I was also doing timekeeping at competitions and then progressed  in to coaching which then i was made in to a level 2 coach. I have always being really interested in all aspects of Judo.


Richard Leybourne

1st Dan

I started Judo at Darlington koizumi at the age of 11 coached by Vince, Norman and Chris amongst others sadly now passed, I obtained my 9th Mon, I quit at about 14 years old. At 28 I started back at white belt and worked my way to 1st Dan within a 3 year period if we exclude the lockdowns. Judo has helped build my fitness, confidence and personality.

My journey is only now beginning, I have now set goals to grow Judo in the local area.

Combat Sport

1st Dan

Chris Horner

As a Judo player with over 30 years of experience, I have always enjoyed the physical demands of this rewarding sport. As the passage of time takes its toll on knees and other joints, I have found new opportunities and enjoyment in passing on my experience to any one who cares enough to listen.


Max Atkinson

1st Dan

I Started Judo in 2010 because a friend suggested it. i have been training ever since and enjoyed the many benefits that come with doing Judo. I started coaching later to help support the club and provide the opportunity for more people to enjoy Judo.

Rachel Hird

3rd Kyu

Rebecca Leybourne

4th Kyu

Our Club Welfare Officers

I have just started my Judo journey after being inspired by watching my son taking part. I was delighted to give something back to the club by becoming the Clubs Welfare Officer and assisting the BJA in ensuring that all players of all ages are safeguarded and practice safely within the spirit of Judo.

I tried Judo in 2021 and fell in love with the sport. I achieved my Orange belt but stopped before achieving my Green. I have now taken a background role as CWO so I can still be involved with Judo and ensure all Judoka have fun but are safe at the same time. If I am not on the front desk, you will find me in the  hall watching the players. This year I aim return to actively take part in Judo.

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